Cleburne Appeals Attorney

Strong Appellate Representation From Proven Attorneys
Cases that are handled in civil courts can be very complex, and there are multiple issues that may affect the outcome of a lawsuit. In many cases, the final verdict may not be the last word in a legal dispute. If one of the parties believes that a decision was incorrect or believes there were errors made during a trial that affected the outcome of the case, they may have grounds to file an appeal. Appeals can be complex and time-consuming, and they are handled differently from other types of cases. To ensure that the proper procedures will be followed during an appeal, it is important to work with an experienced appellate attorney.
If you decide to move forward with an appeal or find yourself responding to one, the success of your case may very well hinge on your choice of legal representation. Your legal matter is too important to leave in the hands of untested counsel; you need the representation and counsel of seasoned attorneys who have achieved real results for individuals and businesses in appellate cases throughout Texas. At Cain & Kiel Law, we have extensive experience handling appeals in a wide range of legal matters. We will thoroughly review your case and help you determine if an appeal is the right course of action. With our strong record of success in cases involving business litigation, probate litigation, and other types of civil lawsuits, we can ensure that your appeal will be handled correctly.
Experienced Representation in Appellate Cases
Our firm's attorneys have more than 30 years of combined appellate experience, and we have argued many cases before the 10th (Waco) and 2nd (Fort Worth) Court of Appeals and other appellate courts across Texas. We excel at crafting legal arguments built on strong legal analysis. Just as important, we make sure to communicate with clarity and speak the language of appellate judges, positioning our clients to obtain favorable rulings that will withstand the rigors of the legal system.
Following a verdict in a civil lawsuit, we can review the legal record to identify any errors that were made during the case. We will determine whether an appeal is possible, and we will gather the necessary information to demonstrate to the appellate court why a verdict or other decision should be overturned or affirmed. We will ensure that a notice of appeal is filed within the applicable time limits. We will then work to prepare and submit briefs to the appellate court outlining the errors that were made and demonstrating why the lower court's decision was incorrect. If necessary, we can make oral arguments before an appellate court. We also provide representation for appellees who need to respond to appeals filed by the other party following the conclusion of a civil trial.
We take a pragmatic approach to appeals cases, never losing sight of the fact that these issues are not confined to the law library — their outcomes will have a real and lasting impact on the personal, professional, and financial lives of our clients. This is why we fight so hard to obtain the best possible results in appeals cases, whether through winning on the merits, preserving a favorable lower court ruling, or negotiating a settlement that achieves our clients' objectives.
Contact Our Johnson County Appeals Attorneys
If you believe that further legal action is necessary following a civil trial, Cain & Kiel Law can help you understand your options, and we will work to ensure that you can achieve justice. Our goal is to help you reach an outcome that will allow you to move forward with peace of mind knowing you were empowered to make a decision based on the best information and legal analysis available. We look forward to protecting your interests and your future. Please call 817-645-1717 or contact us online to schedule a consultation.
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