Cleburne TX Natural Resources Attorney

Representing Texans to Protect Their Legal Interests in Oil, Gas and Water Resources
Natural resources are big business in Texas, and multiple companies are involved in matters related to oil, gas, water, and other resources. Between the Barnett Shale, the Eagle Ford Shale, and the state's other oil and gas plays, as well as the water resources that are becoming increasingly more important as the state grows, the need for certainty and legal protection in natural resource industries is greater than ever. Companies that are involved in these industries can protect their rights and interests by working with experienced business law and real estate attorneys who understand the laws that affect natural resources.
At Cain & Kiel Law, our attorneys recognize the need for legal counsel that understand the complexity in oil leases, water disputes, and other legal issues pertaining to natural resources across Johnson County, the surrounding areas, and throughout the State of Texas. We can help companies establish rights, negotiate agreements, and resolve disputes they may encounter. With years of combined experience and an understanding of the stakes involved in any related legal claim, we are ready to achieve our clients' desired outcomes as quickly as possible.
Experienced Oil And Gas Attorneys
We have experience in transactions involving natural resources and oil-and-gas-related transactions and legal disputes. Our experience representing both gas companies and industry businesses, as well as private property owners, provides us with a complete understanding of the needs and concerns that affect all parties involved in natural resource matters. We know how to draft and negotiate contracts, leases, and other agreements, and we can ensure that all legal requirements are met during complex transactions. With our understanding of the issues that often come into play in a legal dispute, we can help our clients resolve these issues in a way that protects their interests.
Among the issues our attorneys regularly handle are:
- Operator agreements - We advise oil and gas operators on the negotiation, drafting, and revision of legal agreements.
- Oil and gas leases - We assist landowners and oil and gas companies during the negotiation of oil and gas leases, ensuring that their lease agreements are properly drafted and that the parties understand their rights and obligations.
- Division orders - We help oil and gas companies with the preparation of orders that are used to distribute proceeds from the sale of oil and gas production.
- Oil and gas titles - We review title agreements to ensure that they are free of defects and that our clients have the rights they need to develop their properties.
- Executory rights - We work with clients to ensure that they have the rights that will allow them to execute oil and gas leases.
- Surface use issues - We help draft and negotiate agreements detailing how land may be used by oil and gas companies and industry support businesses.
- Nuisance and trespass - We help resolve disputes related to claims that oil and gas companies have trespassed on private property or engaged in activities that disturbed the peace or caused a nuisance to property owners or neighbors.
- Mud farming issues - We advise companies on how to resolve issues related to the disposal of drilling mud and other waste management practices.
- Pipeline and eminent domain issues - We assist with the negotiation of easements and other agreements related to pipelines, as well as with eminent domain issues that may affect property owners or oil and gas companies.
Protect Your Water Rights In Texas
Our firm also represents utilities, property owners, and other parties in water transactions and disputes in Texas. In these situations, parties may need to address eminent domain issues, easements, acquisitions, and issues involving water wells, ground water, and various water contracts. In a world where water will continue to be more precious and prized, we help our clients navigate the legal issues, no matter how straightforward or complex.
Contact Our Cleburne Natural Resources Law Attorneys
If you need assistance with any legal issue related to oil, gas, or water rights, we can help. To schedule a consultation with one of our natural resources lawyers, call us at 817-645-1717 or contact us online. We represent clients in Johnson County, Parker County, Tarrant County, Bosque County, Hill County, Hood County, and throughout all of the State of Texas.
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