Cain & Kiel Law

call us817-645-1717

Reviews and Testimonials

Client Testimonials

"When I was looking for a law firm to handle our real estate transactions, I was really blessed when I met with the team at Cain & Kiel Law. Over the past two years we have developed a wonderful relationship with everyone in the firm. Scott and his team have handled all of our legal work on real estate, developments, litigation, oil and gas and everything has been done respectfully and with complete transparency. Brent has helped us with our estate planning and done a fantastic job. Valerie exceeds expectations with her excellent communications and fast turnarounds and Colista is always super to work with. Scott has assembled a fantastic team and I would highly recommend them for any of your legal needs."

- Trennon L. Massengale, President CEO, SWP Construction LLC

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