Leah M. Nesbitt
Leah is a native Texan and was born in San Antonio, TX. She grew up for a few years around the United States before settling back in the Texas Hill Country after her Dad retired from the Air Force. She lived in Austin while she completed her B.A. entirely online and worked full-time in Texas politics. Leah finished her tour of living in Texas cities up I-35 and moved to Fort Worth for law school. In law school Leah clerked for courts, corporations, and firms.
Leah's favorite pastimes are playing or watching any sport, serving in her church, and spending time with family. Leah and her husband, Andrus, live in Fort Worth. As an attorney Leah loves to problem solve head on, listen to clients' specific needs, and communicate effectively on behalf of her clients.
Areas of Practice
Bar Admissions
- Texas, 2023
- Texas A&M University School of Law
- J.D. - 2023
- Thomas Edison State University
- B.A. - 2018
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